Our comments on MaPS’ non-response to the Treasury Committee

The Treasury Committee yesterday received a response from the Money and Pensions Service to its questions concerning the current procurement strategy for debt advice. However, rather than answer the questions with any substantive information, MaPS has again sought to evade scrutiny and continues to hide its intention to cut community-based services by 50%, and face-to-face advice services in particular. It provides no evidence to support its funding allocations; hides any equalities assessment, does not report on evidence that it has already received from agencies about why they did not bid (such as Advice UK) and is misleading the Committee concerning the outcomes of advice by different channels.

We have today published our assessment of the letter sent by MaPs which you can download here.


Trainee debt advisers - casualties of the MaPS procurement exercise?


Our appeal to Caroline Siarkiewizc, Chief Executive of the Money and Pensions Service