Damon Gibbons Damon Gibbons

WADA issues policy statement concerning Statutory Debt Repayment plan proposals

In their current form the Government’s plans for the Statutory Debt Repayment Plan (‘SDRP) will not provide a workable debt solution for people looking for help and advice with unmanageable debt. The proposals would also fundamentally change, for the worse, the relationship between community-based, not-for-profit debt advisers, and the people they are engaged to help.

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Damon Gibbons Damon Gibbons

MaPS Must Change

Following our successful campaign to stop a 50% cut to community based debt advice, We Are Debt Advisers, the Unite Debt Advice Network and Advice UK have today published a set of 14 demands which the Money and Pensions Service will need to meet if it is to restore trust across the debt advice sector and with its wider stakeholders.

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